Sunday, 10 April 2011


I think we all deal with doubt at some time or another, usually in the form of doubting in yourself or your abilities... I deal with doubt almost daily. I usually wake up doubting that I'll stay under my daily calories, or doubt I'll make a good meal or doubt that I can make it through my workout or doubt that I can do the "new" thing I want to try that day. 

I'm really a negative thinker and I'm trying hard to change it. Change is a gradual thing for sure, I mean all the changes I've made in my life in the last 6 months have all been very slow and really just snowball from other positive changes or decisions that I made. The negative thinking and self confidence is definitely lagging behind all the health and body changes I've made but I'll get there.

I thought I'd post this today as I've come across some wonderful quotes that can help with this type of negative thinking! 

1. Tell yourself, “If I don’t try then I’ll never know. Don’t doubt yourself. You are a perfect example of talent and beauty.” ~Annie Pryatel

2. My mantra for this year: My abilities will always outweigh my doubts. The moment when I think I can’t is the moment that I can.” ~Lissa Rae

3. The moment you feel it (doubt) creeping in, it’s time to act. Get involved and let experience prove you wrong. ~Hector Peguero

4. When in doubt, zoom out. If you doubt all the time, you need to zoom out to the big picture. ~Mary Mecca

5. Ask yourself, “What will happen if I doubt this doubt?” ~Gareth Stubbs

6. What’s the worst that could happen if you do what you feel doubtful about? Is that something you can deal with? Then do it! Most of our worries are a waste of time. What will happen, will happen. ~Kate Roselund

7. Put one foot in front of the other and keep going. ~Roze Quartz

8. Realize that doubts are fear, and fear is: Forgetting Everything’s All Right. ~Sherri Levy

9. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. Doubt is only a thought and feeling, nothing to resist. ~De-stress Your Success

10. Focus on the good in your life, reflect on your past achievements, and look to your mentors and all they have achieved. ~Tiscanny Derksen

Try an exercise in positive thinking today. Do you look at yourself in the mirror when you're getting ready in the morning and think atleast 10 horrible thoughts about yourself before you go out the door? "Oh my butt looks big in these jeans. Yuck my makeup is smudged. Ugh my hair is frizzy. I'm going to bomb this job interview... etc...etc..."  Try something new - look in the mirror and say 10 positive things to yourself "Wow, I love this new eyeshadow. My shirt really accentuates my waist. I have a beautiful face. I'm totally going to rock that meeting today.. etc etc" It's AMAZING what positive thinking can do for your overall well being and I think it's something that we all need to practice. Focus on the good and the bad kinda just disappears! :)


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