Saturday 2 April 2011

Serving Sizes - Learn to Eyeball

The number ONE thing anyone can learn when learning to eat healthier is how much you should be eating.

I covered this briefly in previous posts but it's such an important topic I'm bringing it up again! We live in a "super-size me" type world. Yes, after that movie came out there was much more awareness of the pitfalls of literally "super-sizing" but this type of thinking is not limited to fast food.

When making nutritional choices for yourself and your family you really have to understand what serving sizes are. When buying packaged food they usually make it pretty easy (ie: for 1/2 a package or 1 bar etc.) but your whole foods or foods you're preparing for yourself often don't come pre-measured - and if they do please direct me to your grocery store!! HA!

So now that you understand that you have to measure your food you get thrown into a world of measuring cups, measuring spoons and scales (for food.. and I suppose a bathroom scale too HA). My measuring cups and spoons have been my #1 helper in the kitchen but sometimes in real life you just can't bring them with you. Can you imagine going to a dinner party and pulling your teaspoon out of your purse to measure your salad dressing. Oh dear!

It's time to learn to eyeball. Yes you won't be able to write your EXACT calories down in your food diary (you are keeping one right??), and it is an approximation but it's hell-a lot better than not making an effort at all! In no time at all with a little practice you will be able to eyeball a lot of your favourite foods and you might be able to retire those measuring cups and spoons back to the cupboard only to be brought out to bake a birthday cake!

I made a chart! Let's look at it! :)

So hopefully that will help you along your journey to food measuring freedom! No more dinner party faux pas! :)

On another note: I had a wonderful jog with my #1 personal trainer today. The sun was so warm and the breeze was nice and chilly so it made my 3.5kms so enjoyable! It's so nice to go out running in the nicer weather and not have to worry about the ice or deal with the lung fire that inevitably came with the negative degree weather. Who's my #1 personal trainer you ask? That's my dog Max! It's his 1st birthday tomorrow so I thought I just brag about the awesomeness that is Max!

Tell me he's not the cutest dog EVER! What makes him such an amazing trainer is his little annoying habit that turned into a motivator! When he was younger Max LOVED to pull on his leash.. and pull.. and PULL! It drove me nuts! But when we started jogging together he ONLY pulls on the leash after we've crossed the street or if I'm slowing down. He basically tells me to get my act together and get running! If you find you're slacking in the activity department - get a border collie haha Happy 1st birthday buddy!! Here's to many many more years of running together xoxo


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